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@fluidframework/aqueduct Package

Packages > @fluidframework/aqueduct

The aqueduct package is a library for building Fluid objects and Fluid containers within the Fluid Framework. Its goal is to provide a thin base layer over the existing Fluid Framework interfaces that allows developers to get started quickly.


About the package name: An Aqueduct is a way to transport water from a source to another location. The package name was chosen because its purpose is to facilitate using lower level constructs and therefore handle ‘fluid’ items same as an aqueduct.


List of classes contained in this package or namespace
Class Description
BaseContainerRuntimeFactory BaseContainerRuntimeFactory produces container runtimes with a given data store and service registry, as well as given request handlers. It can be subclassed to implement a first-time initialization procedure for the containers it creates.
BaseContainerService This class is a simple starter class for building a Container Service. It simply provides routing
BlobHandle This class represents blob (long string) This object is used only when creating (writing) new blob and serialization purposes. De-serialization process goes through FluidObjectHandle and request flow: DataObject.request() recognizes requests in the form of /blobs/<id> and loads blob.
ContainerRuntimeFactoryWithDefaultDataStore A ContainerRuntimeFactory that initializes Containers with a single default data store, which can be requested from the container with an empty URL.This factory should be exposed as fluidExport off the entry point to your module.
DataObject DataObject is a base data store that is primed with a root directory and task manager. It ensures that both are created and ready before you can access it.Having a single root directory allows for easier development. Instead of creating and registering channels with the runtime any new DDS that is set on the root will automatically be registered.Generics: P - represents a type that will define optional providers that will be injected S - the initial state type that the produced data store may take during creation E - represents events that will be available in the EventForwarder
DataObjectFactory DataObjectFactory is the IFluidDataStoreFactory for use with DataObjects. It facilitates DataObject's features (such as its shared directory) by ensuring relevant shared objects etc are available to the factory.Generics: P - represents a type that will define optional providers that will be injected S - the initial state type that the produced data object may take during creation
PureDataObject This is a bare-bones base class that does basic setup and enables for factory on an initialize call. You probably don't want to inherit from this data store directly unless you are creating another base data store classGenerics: P - represents a type that will define optional providers that will be injected S - the initial state type that the produced data store may take during creation E - represents events that will be available in the EventForwarder
PureDataObjectFactory PureDataObjectFactory is a barebones IFluidDataStoreFactory for use with PureDataObject. Consumers should typically use DataObjectFactory instead unless creating another base data store factory.Generics: P - represents a type that will define optional providers that will be injected S - the initial state type that the produced data store may take during creation


List of functions contained in this package or namespace
Function Description
getDefaultObjectFromContainer(container) Helper function for getting the default Fluid Object from a Container. This function only works for Containers that support "/" request.T - defines the type you expect to be returned
getObjectFromContainer(path, container) Helper function for getting a Fluid Object from a Container given a path/url. This function only works for Containers that support getting FluidObjects via request.T - defines the type you expect to be returned
getObjectWithIdFromContainer(id, container) Helper function for getting as Fluid Object from a Container given a Unique Id. This function only works for Containers that support getting FluidObjects via request.T - defines the type you expect to be returned


List of interfaces contained in this package or namespace
Interface Description


List of variables contained in this package or namespace
Variable Description
defaultRouteRequestHandler Pipe through container request into internal request. If request is empty and default url is provided, redirect request to such default url.
generateContainerServicesRequestHandler Given a collection of IContainerServices will produce a RequestHandler for them all
mountableViewRequestHandler A mountable view is only required if the view needs to be mounted across a bundle boundary. Mounting across bundle boundaries breaks some frameworks, so the mountable view is used to ensure the mounting is done within the same bundle as the view. For example, React hooks don't work if mounted across bundles since there will be two React instances, breaking the Rules of Hooks. When cross-bundle mounting isn't required, the mountable view isn't necessary.When a request is received with a mountableView: true header, this request handler will reissue the request without the header, and respond with a mountable view of the given class using the response.

Type Aliases

List of type aliases contained in this package or namespace
Type Alias Description



Helper function for getting the default Fluid Object from a Container. This function only works for Containers that support “/” request.

T - defines the type you expect to be returned


export declare function getDefaultObjectFromContainer<T = IFluidObject>(container: Container): Promise<T>;


List of parameters
Parameter Type Description
container Container Container you're attempting to get the object from




Helper function for getting a Fluid Object from a Container given a path/url. This function only works for Containers that support getting FluidObjects via request.

T - defines the type you expect to be returned


export declare function getObjectFromContainer<T = IFluidObject>(path: string, container: Container): Promise<T>;


List of parameters
Parameter Type Description
path string Unique path/url of the FluidObject
container Container Container you're attempting to get the object from




Helper function for getting as Fluid Object from a Container given a Unique Id. This function only works for Containers that support getting FluidObjects via request.

T - defines the type you expect to be returned


export declare function getObjectWithIdFromContainer<T = IFluidObject>(id: string, container: Container): Promise<T>;


List of parameters
Parameter Type Description
id string Unique id of the FluidObject
container Container Container you're attempting to get the object from





export declare function waitForAttach(dataStoreRuntime: IFluidDataStoreRuntime): Promise<void>;


List of parameters
Parameter Type Description
dataStoreRuntime IFluidDataStoreRuntime





Pipe through container request into internal request. If request is empty and default url is provided, redirect request to such default url.


defaultRouteRequestHandler: (defaultRootId: string) => (request: IRequest, runtime: IContainerRuntime) => Promise<import("@fluidframework/core-interfaces").IResponse | undefined>


Given a collection of IContainerServices will produce a RequestHandler for them all


generateContainerServicesRequestHandler: (serviceRegistry: ContainerServiceRegistryEntries) => RuntimeRequestHandler



getFluidObjectFactoryFromInstance: (context: IFluidDataStoreContext) => IFluidDataObjectFactory


A mountable view is only required if the view needs to be mounted across a bundle boundary. Mounting across bundle boundaries breaks some frameworks, so the mountable view is used to ensure the mounting is done within the same bundle as the view. For example, React hooks don’t work if mounted across bundles since there will be two React instances, breaking the Rules of Hooks. When cross-bundle mounting isn’t required, the mountable view isn’t necessary.

When a request is received with a mountableView: true header, this request handler will reissue the request without the header, and respond with a mountable view of the given class using the response.


mountableViewRequestHandler: (MountableViewClass: IFluidMountableViewClass, handlers: RuntimeRequestHandler[]) => (request: RequestParser, runtime: IContainerRuntime) => Promise<import("@fluidframework/core-interfaces").IResponse>



serviceRoutePathRoot = "_services"

Type Aliases



export declare type ContainerServiceRegistryEntries = Iterable<[string, (runtime: IContainerRuntime) => Promise<IFluidObject>]>;