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IDeltaSender Interface

Packages > @fluidframework/container-definitions > IDeltaSender

Contract supporting delivery of outbound messages to the server


export interface IDeltaSender extends IProvideDeltaSender 

Extends: IProvideDeltaSender


List of methods of this class
Method Description
flush() Flush all pending messages through the outbound queue
submit(type, contents, batch, metadata) Submits the given delta returning the client sequence number for the message. Contents is the actual contents of the message. appData is optional metadata that can be attached to the op by the app.If batch is set to true then the submit will be batched - and as a result guaranteed to be ordered sequentially in the global sequencing space. The batch will be flushed either when flush is called or when a non-batched op is submitted.



Flush all pending messages through the outbound queue


flush(): void;




Submits the given delta returning the client sequence number for the message. Contents is the actual contents of the message. appData is optional metadata that can be attached to the op by the app.

If batch is set to true then the submit will be batched - and as a result guaranteed to be ordered sequentially in the global sequencing space. The batch will be flushed either when flush is called or when a non-batched op is submitted.


submit(type: MessageType, contents: any, batch: boolean, metadata: any): number;


List of parameters
Parameter Type Description
type MessageType
contents any
batch boolean
metadata any

