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DataObjectFactory Class

Packages > @fluidframework/aqueduct > DataObjectFactory

DataObjectFactory is the IFluidDataStoreFactory for use with DataObjects. It facilitates DataObject’s features (such as its shared directory) by ensuring relevant shared objects etc are available to the factory.

Generics: P - represents a type that will define optional providers that will be injected S - the initial state type that the produced data object may take during creation


export declare class DataObjectFactory<TObj extends DataObject<P, S>, P, S> extends PureDataObjectFactory<TObj, P, S> 

Extends: PureDataObjectFactory<TObj, P, S>


List of constructors for this class
Constructor Modifiers Description
(constructor)(type, ctor, sharedObjects, optionalProviders, registryEntries, onDemandInstantiation) Constructs a new instance of the DataObjectFactory class



Constructs a new instance of the DataObjectFactory class


constructor(type: string, ctor: new (props: IDataObjectProps<P>) => TObj, sharedObjects: readonly IChannelFactory[] | undefined, optionalProviders: FluidObjectSymbolProvider<P>, registryEntries?: NamedFluidDataStoreRegistryEntries, onDemandInstantiation?: boolean);


List of parameters
Parameter Type Description
type string
ctor new (props: IDataObjectProps

) => TObj

sharedObjects readonly IChannelFactory[] | undefined
optionalProviders FluidObjectSymbolProvider

registryEntries NamedFluidDataStoreRegistryEntries
onDemandInstantiation boolean